The Moral Obligation of Moral People
Come on in! Don’t come on in! The ethics of ‘right-wingers’ and the ‘collective’ fears of communism
Are right-wingers merely deluded philistines with a cherished sense of false morality in the shadow of a communist scarecrow?
Comprehending the mindset of the right wing and how to move forward to positive futures together - below is a compendium of master signifying sources to assist.
This endeavour is the moral obligation of moral people and the defining challenge of our time. Beyond just 'climate change' (one of many of the symptoms resulting from a incoherent life social order and economy), Australian PM, Kevin Rudd's warning was close (Kevin Rudd once called climate change “the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time”) but without a base life grounded public consciousness with the motivation to act together, it is all simply 'hot air'!
What follows is a reference marker document providing a skeletal frame upon which to remap or conceptualize the dominant social order in a way more aligned to reality. A benefit of which is both in explanatory power (comprehension) and in predictive ability (of social direction). Put simply, to better understand and deal with the world in which one exists. Rather than standard narrative, a structured approach is adopted to enhance time efficiency (skim reading) and and aid in the intuitive grasp of the conceptual framework.
* Apologies for any grammatical errors / omissions. The time is upon us to write and spread the word and build a collective critical mass. We don’t have time to be perfectionists. I invite you to put away your fears and get out there, writing and blogging (no matter your grammar skills), sharing and coming together to form politically empowering movements. If Brisbane Australia based I invite you to contact me to join our small forum or generally for assistance in building your own local groups. All of the material you need is included within this blog and within the scholarly works provided - the key is to read and act! There are no shortcuts! And if you couldn’t be bothered, or are waiting for somebody else to ‘look after your democracy’ then you’ll continue to get more tyranny - probably without ever knowing it! Enjoy those long hours in them cubicles! Just keep telling yourself ‘It’s not day prison!’
Version control:
11 Aug 2018
First draft
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12 Aug 2018
Added in Sutton section on Communism (figures E0a, E0b, E0c, E0d.
Several minor updates, grammar corrections.
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12 Aug 2018
Minor edits, spelling, reference errors in tables.
Modified images so better presentation in mobile devices.
Table of Contents
End Toc
A. Key Conceptual Reference A: key mental coordinate system - professed moral standards viz actual behaviour
Table A1: The (dis)connected mind - moral vs immoral conduct; the key factors for assessment
Key factors to assess when determining consistency of mind
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Definition of standard: ethics / morality (norms and values)
Fact situation
(historical truth)
What would a moral person do?
What would an immoral person do?
What would a ‘right-winger’ do?
Explaining the misalignment of belief (in morals) vs behaviour
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Description / elaboration or reference marker:
See figure A1 (moral standard)
See Master Signifier B, figure B1 (a factual record of immoral conduct - recorded facts).
(a) “Be” moral per figure A1- live the values. (Pattern matching, connecting the value system to conduct)
(b) Possess the ability to connect events to a moral standard.
- Be on the conscientious lookout for immoral conduct as illustrated by figure B1 and Ref C;
and when found take action to avoid/redress the immorality.
(c) Spread the word to build demos awareness!
(d) Develop a courageous personality type - avoid ‘traits’ of figure D1. Maintain a ‘connected’ mindset.
(a) Merely ‘profess’ to hold the values dear but actual conduct devoid of moral standard.
Avoid conduct outlined in figure A1 or merely ‘pretend’ to believe it;
Ignore it via willful ignorance or other avoidance mechanisms (pretense).
Consult only limited sources - TV programs that provided a single viewpoint or itself ignored Ref B (figure B1) factual analysis.
Engage in silliness (an avoidance strategy) as an excuse not to become aware of the real facts. In this way can avoid having to deal with any fact which may confront their ‘professed’ morals.
Make excuses so as to avoid the discussion.
Surround with similar personality types (build comfort via numbers or TV programs)
Play dumb - intentionally not draw reasonable inferences or connections between the fact situation and morals.
(Intentional) Failure to project the past to the present to the future.
Fear of poverty or loss of liberty (as in fear of communism)
Cognitive dissonance;
Propaganda by the ruling group
Genuine False belief syndrome
I.e. an inability to ‘connect’ the key patterns and definitions against conduct which is readily visible to those who bother to investigate.
Base Skills or character sets underlying key factors:
Moral upbringing.
Desire to be moral.
Belief in morals.
Rational base.
A desire to confront moral facts.
A desire for non-violence.
Intellect to read about facts, history, history books of varying perspectives.
An honest consideration and interpretation of the facts.
Pattern match against norms and values viz discerned facts
Discipline to uphold their professed values.
Avoidance techniques:
Tune out’.
‘Be humorous’.
Be easily misled
Rely on a narrow information set easily controlled by the ruling group (wikipedia)
Distraction - hyper busy lifestyle - create more ‘administrative’ work for the bees to do - (complete exams, certificates, GST/BAS and much ‘paperwork’ - can never relax or have time to read/think/reflect or write, let alone campaign!)
Ref D or Figure D1.
And Ref E.
*information elements (life ground signifiers)
Figure A1: a definition of morality (the norm or value)
B. Master Signifier B (or key reference B): Capitalism in action: The heinous example of the Bengali Famine by Dr Gideon Polya
Dr. Gideon Polya
Dr Gideon Polya, a graduate of the University of Tasmania, obtained his PhD from Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. After postdoctoral work at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, he returned to the Australian National University in Canberra as a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow. He recently retired from a Readership at La Trobe University, Melbourne. He has published some 130 academic works in a four-decade scientific career as a biochemist, most recently a pharmacological reference text Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds (Taylor & Francis, New York, 2003). His seminal scientific contribution to political activism is the book, Body Count: Global Avoidable Mortality since 1950 (Melbourne, 2007), a comprehensive compendium of data on worldwide deaths through structural violence.
Polya -> autenising history [presently censored]
Censorship warning: one minute it is there:
Figure B1: Illustrations of ‘actual’ conduct: the immoral facts:
The next minute it is gone (censored 9 Aug 2018, approximately 11pm)
In light of censorship it is prudent to maintain pdf copies of these master signifiers.
C. Master Signifier C (Key Reference C): World Wars as an capitalist exploitation (oppression) movement - how the rich make it big!
Pauwels is a key reference marker (master life ground signifier) for real historical fact:
D Master Signifier D (Key Reference D): Explanation for Denial
The following signifiers represent an explanation (explication) for the denial.
- Fear? (of communism?) - see topic below.
- Denial? Cognitive dissonance?
Figure D1 - explaining the gap (genuine mitigation or convenient excuse) - denial mechanisms
E. Master Signifier E (Key Reference E): Fear of Communism as a mental ‘block’ to human well-being.
Any talk of attempting to make ‘average’ people better off seems, almost reflexively to average people, to cause recoil similar as cows to the branding iron.
There can be no doubt as to the horrors and violent oppressions communism cast over the lives of millions of people. A communism as practiced in the Soviet Union (the practical version) has a factual record that was sold to the West (via hollywood) as a grave tyranny.
Of course there are plausible alternative views.
And it may work keeping in mind that the Western belief in Communism may not be anything near to what it was really about. At least two scholars well read in the official archives, pages rarely turned by scholars, sheds some light on the subject: Figure E0a and E0b.
As far back as 1974 there were sound scholarly exposures clearly at variance to the ‘Hollywood’ version.
Figure E0a: Antony Sutton’s impeccable scholarship shedding light on the real story
The reader is invited to consult the remainder of Sutton’s thesis another time and should the Russian Revolution be of interest, the following author being mentioned in footnote 4 of Sutton’s opening chapter.
And more recently the prescient scholar Guido Preparata teases us with the following information element drying out the fog of the myth yet further (Figure E0b).
Figure E0b: The real ‘meaning’ of communism - same as capitalism: Preparata’s exposure
Figure E0d Michael Parenti’s take on the Russian Revolution (Preface and Chapter 1 provided free):
Despite the credentials of the scholars eating away at the mythic hydra of Communism, for our purposes we need not investigate the matter further. Not least of concerning, the risk as ordinary people untrained in the ways of subtle propaganda, we could tumble down the ‘rabbit hole’ and become hopelessly lost in the world of power conspiracy. We await patiently for Preparata or another scholar to unpack the deception to read and enlighten another day.
For our purposes we need only be mindful that what we were ‘told’ via the subconscious impregnation of our psyche while in enthusiastic awe of Top Gun, being imbued with the deeply arousing music “highway through the danger zone” was, sadly, some of the best mental programming at that date. Propaganda delivered in true style. Russia was the unquestioned enemy! They had to be blown to bits by our handsome hero’s who get to sex the beautiful woman. No problem Sir! Where do I sign up?
Of course, whether or not there was any truth to any of it (the Soviet nemesis) was (and largely still is to the Western mind) completely irrelevant. Such is the present state of the human mental faculty: a bit of multimedia pressing all the key emotive buttons can completely obliterate critical thought. So our challenge moving forward is to put in place new protective mechanisms and ensure enough of a critical mass (say 99% of us) can possess enough mental fortitude to see through such “bluster” to quote Preparata. Can “we the people” move beyond the infantile elements of mammalian brain and onto higher forms of intellect?
Figure E0c - the “cool” war propaganda
For other examples, trying ‘duckduckgo’ searching “hollywood propaganda”.
Despite Sutton, Parenti and Preparata’s exposures, we can presume that many still live in the “Top Gun” belief system: Communism was and still is the dire enemy. The average citizen is still petrified of the thought of communism, associating it with dire poverty and tyranny. This ‘belief’ still holds great sway over most people. Holding such a stain in the minds of average people, it now serves as a almost impenetrable barrier (a ‘scarecrow’) to prevent people coming together in any way which can be perceived as ‘communistic’ including collaborative social orders to find fairer and more benevolent ways of raising their average wealth and prosperity levels.
Any talk of collaborative and shared power settings is automatically brandished as ‘communism’.
How do we move past this terrible scarecrow and onto genuinely collaborative arrangements (social orders) that have the possibility of raising average well-being without being cast as communism and further, without running the risk of ever becoming a communist society?
The choices become simple and stark: see Table E1.
Table E1: the presently ‘perceived’ choices (culturally indoctrinated views of viable choice sets)
Key ‘features’ and ‘aspects’ of the choices:
Choice set 1: The capitalist hydra
(oppressive to 97% of the ordinary people within its social order)
Choice set 2 - ‘we the people’ in a representative ‘Common’-Wealth
(how close to choice set 3?)
Choice set 3 - The Communist hydra
(oppressive to 97% of the ordinary people within its social order)
General concept
Capitalism / corporatocracy
That is where hierarchical corporations own and control the ‘system’ with no input by ordinary people - they simply sit in cubicles and work away 8 to 10 hours a day.
This is the only perceived viable concept to the average Westerner - despite professed value claims of liberal plurality. In reality, the dominant view is that there is no alternative to capitalism.
Collaborative power sharing - i.e. genuine democratic parliament
Genuine communism - historically discredited and so heinous in its practical effect (Soviet Union) that it serves as a scarecrow to people daring to enter into discussions of choice set 2 (lest the world fall into communism once more)
Practical stratifying (class) effects of the social order
Mass impoverishment for most people (97%) earning average wages (40-80K pa) which after tax is subsistence income.
Survives on warfare waged against ‘third world’ to maintain tyranny of cheap labour - ignored by the average westerner, themselves either unemployed or working (and playing) so hard as to have no time to consider the welfare of the third world (in this way capitalism breeds a working class psychopathic - possessing a callous disregard for the welfare of others and the environment - unbridled greed reigns supreme which serving as the means of their own disempowerment).
Enormous wealth for a tiny few (0.01%) - monarchy, oil barons, political and ruling class.
Some wealth for a few more (1-3%) who work hard in various key industries (law, medicine, IT and earn over 200K pa) serving as a buffer between the 98% and the 0.01%.
Key productive gains from technology advancement go the the 0.01% mostly and less so, to the 1-3%. The workers who produce the benefits, the 97%, are oppressed and not permitted to share in the innovations which they produced. The surplus is ‘extracted’ and exploited from them.
Whilst ‘austerity’ is increasingly placed on the masses without any say, that is, capitalism produces the same oppressive tyrannies and impoverishment that communism did, because it is considered the ‘polar’ opposite, rather than it’s non-identical twin, it is considered the only other alternative of a viable social order.
Probably the wealth effects produced from the political systems of 1945-1975 are the closest history has come to building wealth for average people.
This can be seen from the wealth of the post ww2 ‘baby boomer’ generation.
But since 1980, neoliberalism has kicked in delivering choice set 1.
Choice set 2, has been dashed and today represents a ‘theoretical’ ideal which is too easily ‘branded’ as ‘Communism’ (choice set 3) and hence conceptually avoided as with some fear as even a possibility.
The great challenge for all ordinary people who seek higher wealth and well-being, is to move past their fears of communism by reading about it and understanding how and why it came into effect and coming to realise that, as practiced, Soviet Union Communism was simply the non-identical twin to the neoliberal Capitalist order of today.
And that a genuinely democratic collaborative parliamentary system which truly represented a highly informed (literate) and highly engaged citizenry is in fact the true polar opposite of communism AND neoliberal capitalism.
Same outcomes as for the choice set 1 but the ‘process’ of extracting is a more visible - a heavy handed political party system.
Public belief in the concept
Near total cultural hegemonic supremacy as the only viable economic order (i.e. Thatcher’s pronouncement: “There is no alternative” or ‘TINA’ seemingly inculcated into the Western group psyche).
Any talk of ‘common’ wealth, despite the label, is believed to be communism and avoided with an almost apoplectic reflexivity.
Dire fear of communism as a heinous and brutal tyranny.
Yet the mass of brutality waged by the Capitalist hydra is overlooked.
For a better view of this table consult the 'pdf' or google drive link.
We possibly move past such myths by asking our fellow citizens to invest time aside for reading some ‘key authors’ which, by exposing the myths, help us build an immune response to the ‘ways of power’ and their propaganda methods.
If “We the People” take up reading Sutton, Preparata and Pauwels (see later) then there is a strong chance that the mind will become acutely cognizant of the ‘techniques of propaganda’ and elevate to higher and more protected levels of consciousness.
As sun is to the morning mist, reading the ‘legitimate’ authors causes the myths to dry out, providing for a more informed citizenry, not just on this myth, but to the others undoubtedly replacing the Communist myth - at least as Westerners are sold on it, Top Gun style. (Especially given the ‘dramatic’ fall of Communism in 1989).
Reframing the dichotomy
We also move past the myth by reframing in more simplistic dichotomies that have greater meaning for human beings: A decision (and policy planning) is either moral or it is immoral.
Table E2: A more morally defined choice set
Choice set A
Choice set B
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Key ‘features’ and ‘aspects’ of the choices:
‘We the people’ in a representative ‘Common’-Wealth
Benefit for the 100%
The Oppressive hydra (however branded)
Benefit for the 1 to 3% (predominantly 0.1%)
(oppressive to 97% of the ordinary people within its social order)
General concept
Collaborative power sharing - i.e. genuine democratic parliament
Fair reward system - those who work hard fairly rewarded
A fair life wage for those who prefer to define themselves beyond the corporatocracy and reject labels of ‘lazy’ because they seek to see people use machines to create better lives for all rather than morph themselves into machines for an exclusive use machine (bigger house or car). What is wrong with producing food, clean water and reasonable shelter and then enjoying time to relax, swim and be merry? Wishful thinking? Only for those indoctrinated into the ‘oppressive hydra’.
Highly hierarchical exploitative systems that do not provide a shared wealth model or do not reward those who create the innovation. Massive exploitation and harm produced to the many. See Key Reference B and F.
Practical stratifying (class) effects of the social order
To be determined - remains ‘theoretical’ at present.
F Master Signifier F (Key Reference F): Evidence of oppression and tyranny of Capitalism (same as communism or worse?)
How bad is capitalism? Is it far worse than ‘communism’?
Consider the following life ground signifiers. Consider also whether it is moral to ignore these master signifiers or make excuses like ‘there is no alternative’ for failing to object to their degenerative effects.
Figure F1: Moral life ground unhinged in the capitalist order
Figure F2: Chambliss - How the capitalist ruling class maintain control: deception and violence - but visible to those who bother to look (the moral obligation)
A pdf copy of this 1988 master signifier document is contained in folder under figure F7 (search “chambliss”).
Figure F3: edited examples of the master signifiers readily available
Figure F4 The Meek Shall Not Inherit the World
Figure F5 - Moral obligation to act; And possibly bequeath a better world to our children?
Figure F6: Kindle Books
Books within this account represent key master signifiers which should be of interest to all moral persons seeking better social orders. Several key references that should be read as ‘bibles’ include the texts by David Stanton, John McMurtry and Jacques Pauwels.
A password to Kindle Account can be loaned on request and read via: or the Kindle app.
Figure F7 - A shared google drive (until censored).
Email the author if you wish to have a copy: vasairesbooks (@) (note the two ‘s’)
A folder of articles: Vasaires-books
Figure F8: Another folder of articles: Folder 2
G. Master Signifier G1 (Key Reference G): Organising for power
Are we confident we can surmount the challenge?
So this is the second $64,000 question. Either we fail - as it appears we already have - and we continue to live under a oligarchic unfair tyranny masquerading as a democracy while pretending to profess values of egalitarianism and liberty.
Or we succeed in rolling back the neoliberal class hegemony agenda (oligarchic-fascist tyranny) and achieve a collective collaborative well-being project, a real democracy.
This will be the great testament of our age.
G. Master Signifier G2
See McMurtry - Value Wars, chapter 7 through 9
Figure G1 - McMurtry’s solutions to re-grounding to a life coherent (sustainable) economy
Several bloggers have provided outstanding summaries of McMurtries work. Nothing can beat reading McMurtry directly. See the Kindle books folder (Figure’s F6, F7 and F8). However for a summary the following figures (G1 - G4) are useful.
Figure G2:
Figure G3:
Figure G4 The remainder of my blog provides links to McMurtry's work:
Organising by spreading key concepts to assist understand the world
I.e. This document and/or other authors that are likely to be legitimately received by the general public.
H. Summary of the master signifiers (Conclusion or Discussion)
Reflecting on the introduction which outlined the purpose, here I conclude with a summary.
The purpose was and is to enhance public well-being for the many (average people).
In order to do this we need to have conversations with one another about how to collaborate on the crucial subject of how to build fairer and more egalitarian social orders.
This was framed as a moral imperative or obligation for any being which considers itself ‘moral’. Definitions of morality were provided (Figure A1).
From experience any conversations on this topic are met with confrontation by what I label the ‘right-wing’ mindset which highly adverse to anything considered ‘communistic’. This was illustrated with the visual aid of a tables (Tables E1 and E2). In these tables we can see that from a human perspective, what is important to us as human beings, both social orders result in extreme impoverishment and tyranny of ordinary people. The social orders may ‘appear’ to be different, however they are more accurately seen as non-identical twins - they ‘look’ different but their genetic code is to the same end: oppression, tyranny and impoverishment of ordinary people who sustain enormous privilege for a few. Several authors were offered up that provide a different perspective to most Westerners ‘TOP GUN’ view of the world. These scholars were noted in figures E0a through E0d.
Therefore we need to use language which more adequately addresses this tyranny. The reframing suggested was moral vs immoral social orders as noted in Table E2.
This then results in a moral obligation to pursue moral and ethical social orders.
In other words I invite the reader to reframe the narrative away from misleading terms such as left-right and situate the thinking with better grammar and in more human meaningful meta-terms of morality vs immorality (Table E2). This was illustrated with tables to enhance intuitive grasp - visually appealing opposed to ‘blocks of paragraph text’. Tables also present a structured matrix which assist with comparing and contrasting the concepts.
Within the Tables I made reference to ‘figures’ which themselves were the key knowledge markers, compiled by legitimate scholars. This works legitimacy stands on the foundational integrity of the sources referenced.
I provided key sources (master ‘signifiers’) which glaringly bring the otherwise hidden reality into sharp relief. The reason the reality is hidden is because most people consume the media of the ruling elite: their mainstream hollywood programming. These systems hide the reality using a number of tricks. Jacques Pauwels highlights this ugly fact in his texts. His and all other material provided in this article are required reading for the morally grounded. Else one remains at risk of living in a false reality (cultural hegemony) and subjected to serfdom like tyranny (oppression generally).
The Key References or Master signifiers are denoted clearly using an alphabetical system so they can be referred to in discussing this article and to assist in mental framing. Together they show conclusively the blinding reality in all its heinous effects. To repeat those references needs to be reasonably consulted (read and considered) else one is not being moral - this is a simple fact of the definition of morality.
In Key Reference D I provided some scholarly sources as to why the immoral people may justify their immoral conduct - denial mechanisms of various variety.
I then provided some evidence as to why people may hate Communism in Key Reference E and noted powerful Western Hollywood Propaganda, Top Gun. This is important to understand for without us as a society ever looking past the mental scarecrows (regularly implanted via Hollywood film and mainstream media inculcation) and being prepared to work in collaborative manners, we remain victims of the tyranny upon us, forcing the lucky ones into cubicles to work all our daylight hours serving a capitalist machine (or beastly ‘hydra’), and this is better than dire impoverishment which results if we do not obey this system and remain locked out of its ruling tyranny program (i.e. unemployed).
Should enough readers or people in general be prepared to look past the communism mental block, then the next stage would be people empowerment: organising for power and reclaiming the commons.
In this regard I have placed several key references for the reader to consult: Master Signifiers G1 and G2 along with various figures that highlight the works which can assist reclaim a more meaningful human existence.
Importantly it means taking action, working together, and towards more libertarian and socially just social orders. This would mean working out who in your social network can be reached out to in order to build a larger political and people empowering movement.
I hope the above help provide some intellectual integrity to the cause.
* Apologies for any grammatical errors / omissions. The time is upon us to write and spread the word and build a collective critical mass. We don’t have time to be perfectionists. I invite you to put away your fears and get out there, writing and blogging (no matter your grammar skills), sharing and coming together to form politically empowering movements. If Brisbane Australia based I invite you to contact me to join our small forum or generally for assistance in building your own local groups. All of the material you need is included within this blog and within the scholarly works provided - the key is to read and act! There are no shortcuts! And if you couldn’t be bothered, or are waiting for somebody else to ‘look after your democracy’ then you’ll continue to get more tyranny - probably without ever knowing it! Enjoy those long hours in them cubicles! Just keep telling yourself ‘It’s not day prison!’
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